<Hit the reader with an inspiring video, quotation or sentence showing the amazing impact you have>

How has the world you work in changed for the better thanks to you?


Brief description of any awards, commendations, etc, accompanied by photos / imagery if inspiring

Numbers / stats

Present the most impressive stats you have.

  • Maximum three recommended
  • Keep the presentation/description as simple as possible
  • Make sure stats are relevant, understandable and have a context
  • Mix up types of stat (eg 353 residents; 86% of participants; 3/4 of local companies)


  • These do not necessarily need a separate section; can be dropped in to break up longer sections
  • Stakeholders, partners, media, dignitaries, celebrities
  • May benefit from a picture if it shows quotee as a real person, for example
  • Link to story / blog, if available, on another page


Think about whether you can summarise the best points from any relevant reports, or present the reports in a web-friendly way. If you have an impact report, consider what content, including graphics, you can use from that. 

  • Return on social investment
  • Audits displaying your impact
  • Annual reports


  • Play a part in what we achieve by donating / fundraising /volunteering
  • Find out how we can change your community / have an impact on your xyz
  • Tell us how your life has been changed by our charity (email / link to blog / stories page)