Equality and Diversity Workshop

To gain an understanding not only of the differences between Equality, Diversity and Inclusion but how this has an impact on the organisation.

To what extent organisations and other services are promoting Equality and Diversity in the workplace, e.g. lifts, disabled car parks, provision for diverse food.

By the end of this session, you will:

  • Understand the concept of Equality within different services and giving people the opportunity to make decisions.   
  • Identify and list factors that contribute to Equality , Diversity and Inclusion in different organisations.   
  • Describe ways of promoting Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discriminatory practice.   
  • Explain the impact of equality, diversity and inclusion across aspects of organisational policy

Time: 10am - 1:30pm

Duration: 1/2 Day

Venue:  TBC

Map: Click Here

Fee: Free