What is Stopping People With Lived Experience of Mental Health from Volunteering With Us?

In 2023 we joined the Deloitte Digital Connect Programme, using user centered research, we delved deeply into this question. Based on feedback we piloted a new style of advert and volunteers webpage. Research report captures what we found and what we're changing . Read more

The Royal National Institute of Blind People

Want a volunteer role that’s quick, flexible, and can be done at home? If you use WhatsApp already, are aged 16 or over, and have up to 30 minutes spare a month, then RNIB needs your help. Read more

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Befriending Volunteering

Peckham Befrienders is a Black & Minority Ethnic, (BME) Service that supports BME people (aged 18 – 65 years) living with, or who have had, a mental illness and reside in Southwark. Read more